Saturday, March 17, 2018


A little snow... then some sunshine and even springtime temperatures for a couple of days...
Today, it is cold again and windy, and we even got a few snowflakes this morning...

I think I'm done with my series "Incertitude".
Here are numbers 2 to 6...
I'll take a better picture as soon as we get some sunshine.

As I still have got a lot of these printed faces, and I'm not yet completely tired of them, I'm going to try and work a little more with them.
But I definitely need a change in colour scheme, and I also want to use the indigo fabrics I dyed before the winter.
Here's how my design board looks at the moment...


Judy said...

I like the orange with the indigo, it adds a really nice zing to the piece! It sounds like your weather has been like ours, all over the place. Enjoy your designing!

The Idaho Beauty said...

Yeah, I think indigo would work well with the faces.

Marianne said...

J'aime bien toute la série des visages. Et oui le orange apporte du pep pour ce début de printemps !!!! un peu tristounet