Friday, February 16, 2018


The sun came out today. So maybe it is time to take the blog (and myself) out of hibernation.
I spent most of my free time this winter sketching, still having fun with the selfies and other exercises.
I'm also studying  Japanese again.

Last week, I finished another little quilt in the "Incertitude" series.
And this is how my design wall looks today...
The plan is to make a fifth quilt using the printed face on the right.

I had the next mosaic ready some time ago, but apparently, I forgot to post it...
... and the next picture too...


Judy said...

I love those hand dyed fabrics that you're working with! It's interesting how you can take selfies, add them to fabric, and create something quite unusual.

Marianne said...

bravo pour votre apprentissage du japonais et votre série est magnifique j'aime ce rose pink!!!

The Idaho Beauty said...

Always interesting to see these snippets of what you've been up to. Working with the "selfies" is leading to something quite good imo!