Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Spring or Winter?

A week ago, it was springtime with very mild temperatures, today it's winter again... 
I'm so ready to start working in the garden, but really, it's way too cold!
And now, I can post a picture of the baby quilt, as the new cutie pie has arrived! :-)

The birds are happily emptying the feeders, and we even have a magpie nest in one of our trees.
I've never seen as many birds here as this year. Maybe it's just because we are still stuck at home most of the time. 

On the sewing front, I have at last finished my new shirt, and I'm still sewing some new masks.



Karen Rips said...

Congratulations on the new baby, how lucky for them to get that quilt!

The Idaho Beauty said...

Pretty much the same over here in Idaho weatherwise. Cute quilt!