Friday, November 10, 2017

Brussels and Brugge

Last week, I was a tourist in my own country, thanks to a friend visiting from abroad...
One day in Brussels and the next one in Brugge...

We were so lucky with the weather...
And now, back to my design wall...


ViDerTextil said...

tu as eu du beau temps aussi !! faut parfois pas aller loin pour découvrir de beaux coins :-)

Ali Honey said...

It looks lovely. Lots of water everywhere. What river(s) is that?

sharon young said...

What beautiful places you chose to take your friend. I like the beginning of your new quilt.

Judy said...

Thanks so much for sharing the photos with us! I love to see photos of other places. You're new quilt looks interesting and I love the hand dyed fabrics that you're working with.
Take care,