Friday, October 06, 2017

Quilt Exhibition in Enghien

The quilts of my group are hanging at the exhibition of the Belgium Patchwork Association in Enghien (Edingen) until Sunday.
Here's a little mosaïc of my ten quilts, plus some gorgeous trees in the park...
"Kabuki 1" and "Kabuki 2"...
"Tunisie 1" and "Tunisie 2"...
"Incertitude" and "Eclaircie"...
And a picture of the beautiful Parc d'Enghien...
This photo was taken 3 years ago when the Twelve by Twelve quilts were exhibited in the Château...
Yesterday, when I visited the show, the weather was just too miserable!


Judy said...

I really wish I could go and see your work in person. Congratulations! That must be such a neat feeling to see your work on display. It's interesting to me to see how you incorporate hand dyed fabric in your work/art.

ViDerTextil said...

cette année il fut effectivement chercher les couleurs à l'intérieur et pas dans le beau ciel bleu et la nature d'il y a trois ans :-) - les quilts du groupe sont intéressants: on y retrouve différents styles autour d'un thème bien exploité.

Marianne said...

Pourquoi la Belgique est si loin soupir... Vos quilts sont magnifiques mes préférés sont Kabuki 1 et 2:)))

Brenda said...


The Idaho Beauty said...

You are doing such good work. I particularly like the last pairing. But they are all wonderful.