Sunday, September 03, 2017


August is over. I spent again a lot of time drawing faces.

One little square quilt is finished. I'll call it "Incertitude 2".
Fabrics for the next one are ready on my design wall.
And next week, I'll start stitching down all these hanging sleeves.


ViDerTextil said...

quelle activité et courage pour les manchons ... petit travail que j'ai en horreur bien que cela signifie que le quilt est fini !

Marianne said...

Magnifique ce quilt Incertitude et belles photos plage et ciel etc.
Je déteste les finitions alors bon courage!!!

Judy said...

I love the hand dyed fabrics that you're working with. Are faces a new direction for you? I would think that they are challenging, and yet you capture the emotion with the stitching lines.