Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Gallery updated

I have just updated my gallery page.
I took a nice little trip to the seaside a few days ago.
The weather was not as warm as last month, but really, it was nice and mostly sunny. And the beach looked pretty empty!
And now I feel almost ready to start working on a new series of quilts. I've sorted all those printed faces and eyes. Let's see if I can do something new with them.


Judy said...

A beach all to yourself! Lucky you, that looks so peaceful and relaxing. Best wishes on your new series.

ViDerTextil said...

il faut savoir choisir le moment d'avoir la plage Belge pour soi, du coup ça donne de belles photos comme inspiration pour les prochains quilts !

sharon young said...

Always a treat to see your beautiful quilts, Francoise. The beach looks lovely.