Friday, May 05, 2017

Nuages 1

My new quilt is finished, I think.
I'm not sure it needs another layer of clouds finally.
I will let it live on the wall while I'm working on the second quilt, and we'll see how they both talk to each other.
Here's a detail...
And another one...
It's title might me "Incertitude", although I'm not sure of it (Ha, ha!)

I also did some fabric printing with a new thermal screen. I'm enjoying using my drawings for making screens.


ViDerTextil said...

jolie ! tu as la tête dans les nuages >> fait de beaux rêves :-)

Brenda said...

Tres jolie mais in peu triste. Perhaps one of the pieces can show the clues clearing and a hint of a smile?

Gerrie said...

This piece evokes Portland to me. We have had so many gray days with clouds and blue sky just peeking through.

Marianne said...

J'aime bien , mais il me manque le sourire. Les écrans avec les yeux sont super, j'en ai fait beaucoup car j'aime le regard.J'utilisais des photos de mannequins dans les journaux et je découpai les yeux, je ne suis pas assez douée pour faire mes propres dessins :(((
Je me réjouis de voir le deuxième.

sharon young said...

Lovely quilt, the faces work really well with the cloud background and the addition of the red lifts the piece perfectly.