Sunday, January 15, 2017


 Already mid-January... We're having a little snow again these days. It's already the second time this year. The first time, it melted very quickly. But now, following the weather forecast, it should stay with us for at least a week.
These last days, I've been concentrating on drawing faces. I still have a lot to learn, but it's been a lot of fun.
I'm also working on my "Clouds" quilts. Well, not really working in fabric yet, but pondering, writing, sketching, printing... And also searching again my photo library...

 A few days ago, I took this picture of bird footprints on a frozen lake... Empreintes...
 This handsome fellow looked like frozen too...
He wasn't of course, but he let me approach close enough to take a couple of pictures before flying away.


ViDerTextil said...

tu as de la chance avec la neige qui donne des beaux paysages ... moi je n'en ai pas encore vu la couleur ici :-(

sharon young said...

I love your composite images, it looks like you're making great headway with your faces. We had a light snow fall a few days ago, but it's all gone now, thank goodness.

jenclair said...

Love all your pics, especially the one with the icey bird footprints!