Monday, December 19, 2016


Here are my two "Empreinte" quilts.
I haven't given them a proper name yet, so let's call them "Empreinte 1" and "Empreinte 2" for now.
Next are two detail shots...
I made several stencils using prints of my right foot. I mean real prints... You know, like you do with kids' hands. I did the same with my foot. I painted it with watercolour, and then stepped on cartridge paper. That was great!
Some of the background fabrics were printed using a thermal screen inspired by pictures of footpaths I took in Japan. Hence the sakura flower on the second quilt and the ginkgo leaves on the first one.

In other news, I've finally put a new warp on my Louet loom, and then, of course, my GD discovered that she's now big enough to reach the treadles and that it's much more interesting to weave on a big loom than on a kid's one...


ViDerTextil said...

joli pied ;-) fallait y penser !
quel délice de voir la petite découvrir le tissage et surtout de préférer le métier plus professionnel que le jouet - elle va vite apprendre et se faire écharpes ... ;-)

Marianne said...

Magnifiques deux beaux quilts pour finir cette année!