Monday, May 30, 2016


I cannot believe that May is almost over already. It was quite busy actually.
Lots of family time, and some studio time too.
The first Orient quilt is finished. Now, I am busy quilting the second one.
Today, it's raining cats and dogs, but we had some very nice weather last week, (and also the week before, I think), so I am adding a couple of sunny pictures to this mosaic.

In other news, my 2012 Twelve by Twelve quilts came back from the States a couple of weeks ago.
I am a little surprised at how I'm liking them now! I remember that I was rather unhappy with most of them 4 years ago. But now... I don't know anymore why that was... A bad case of perfectionism, I guess.

And then, there were also lots of kids' art sessions this month...
GD1 painting with earth pigments bought in Provence a few years ago...
and GD2 at the easel.... :-)


ViDerTextil said...

une jolie famille créative ! je dis toujours dans mes cours: soyez indulgentes pour vous même ... faudrait que tu le sois un peu plus pour toi aussi car tes petits quilts sont si beaux!

Judy said...

I always enjoy seeing the mosaics of your work and your part of the world. Isn't it interesting how different you can feel about a quilt after some time has gone by? All of that painting looks like fun!