Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Both my "Orient" quilt tops are ready. I haven't decided yet how I'm going to quilt them. The deadline is in June, so I still have plenty of time to think about this.
Easter Bunny brought us lots of chocolate eggs. My GDs helped me decorate the house with drawings and paper eggs. We also sewed a few patchwork hens together. (No picture, sorry.)
It is still cold here, but many plants are already growing. And my beautiful little sakura tree is blooming on the deck.
Life goes on.


Judy said...

It sounds like you had a relaxing and productive March! Your flower photo is lovely.

ViDerTextil said...

les fleurs du cerisier ... toujours une joie de les revoir tous les printemps. bonne dégustation de chocolat ;-) !

sharon young said...

Lovely composite, so nice to see your work and Easter decorations. We've been lucky in the UK with some very welcome sunshine for the odd day, hope it continues.