Friday, January 26, 2007


Yet another challenge... I cannot believe it! This time it's the Needlefelt Challenge.
Emerald!.. I couldn't find any green wool roving in my boxes. So I grabbed anything green: knitting yarn, embroidery threads, organza, fabric scraps,... and I needlefelted everything on a piece of old blue jeans fabric. That's the result. And I'm very proud to announce that I broke my first needle!


NuvoFelt said...

That's what I like to see, lateral thinking! Well done! It has turned out very well

Terri Stegmiller said...

Great emerald piece. And congrats on your first needle break.

Anonymous said...

Its lovely. I think it looks like a slice of malachite.

Karin said...

Oh, what a beautiful piece. The colours is delicious! I´m still trying to find a starting point for this challenge. Maybe tonight....

Sarah said...

Nice work! Do you have anything planned for this piece now?

Digitalgran said...

That's a question I want to know the answer to as well Sarah. i have so many samples of everything and I don't seem to use them.
It's lovely lateral thinking you have there francoise. i have been doing some of that too(smile)

Françoise said...

How about a postcard for our "embellisher swap", Mags?