Monday, November 14, 2016


Last month, I did a demo at the annual exhibition of the Belgian Quilters' Association.
I showed three of my Twelve by Twelve quilts, and I explained where I find my inspiration and how I work from there.

I had picked my favorite quilts from the 2012 series and brought my sketchbooks, photos and some samples.
As always, it was lovely talking with many people, sharing ideas and techniques.

In October, there was also a short visit of the Open European Quilt Championships in Maastrricht..

And a quick trip to the seaside on another sunny day.

In the studio, my first "Empreinte" quilt is finished, and the second one is ready for quilting.

And, great news!... my GD is making a new quilt! :-)


ViDerTextil said...

super que Z fait un nouveau quilt ! pour le FofQ ? ;-) je suppose que les empreintes proviennent aussi de leurs doigts?

Judy said...

I wish I could have heard you talk about your quilting and how you're inspired to create. Lovely quilts. Thanks for sharing the landscape photos with us, I enjoying seeing other places.
Have a great week,