Tuesday, April 25, 2006


A little quilt named "Regards". I did it for a small and very local exhibition. The theme was Africa.
The masks fabric, the black one, and a few others are commercial fabrics. I have dyed or painted some of the fabrics.
I am now working on a larger quilt, again inspired by Africa. Hopefully, it will be my entry for the next Belgian Patchwork Association exhibition which will be held in November.
I am quilting it by hand. (Can't remember why I decided to do it by hand... the next one will be quilted by machine, that's for sure.)
It uses more or less the same colours as this one, but I have removed green and added blue...
Blue is one of my favourite colours.

Un petit quilt qui s'appelle "Regards". Je l'ai fait pour une exposition locale. Le thème était l'Afrique. A présent, je travaille à un plus grand quilt, toujours d'inspiration africaine. J'espère l'inscrire pour la prochaine exposition de l'Association Belge du Patchwork.

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